

2018-02-01 00:00
NGO Cultural Project shall launch a project of delivering the international method of teaching children «Philosophy To Grow.P4C» to the primary school teachers across Ukraine. The key event in the framework of the project is four-day training for teachers where they shall learn the P4C Method, participate in the practical Arts with P4C Module and get a completion certificate. This training shall be first of its kind in Ukraine.
The training shall present a teaching algorithm based on the ideas of Mathew Lipman Pilosophy for Children – P4C and a university method of Problem based learning – PBL. The Method objective is to teach children how to reason, hold a discussion, find their own arguments and accept interlocutor’s arguments. Besides stimulating the ability to learn, Р4С also relieves the fear to ask questions, to get into a discussion and to justify one’s position. The Method aims at taking to the next level the youth dialogue at both pupil-teacher and pupil-pupil scale.

The training programme shall provide the teachers with as follows:
  • Teacher’s Workbook (guide) with 15 lessons designed exclusively within this project
  • Qualifications Enhancement Сertificate for teachers (30 credits)
  • New teaching experience based on “open society” principles when a child has a right to have their own point of view and when the development of critical thinking is key in education.
The training shall give practical guidelines:
  • How to introduce to regular school programme 3 P4C lessons following the Teacher’s Workbook in April – July 2018 with further feedback
  • How to introduce to regular school programme 15 P4C lessons following the Teacher’s Workbook in September-December 2018 with further feedback.
The participation in training is free of charge. The Organizer shall cover transportation, accommodation and travelling allowance.
Requirements to participants:
  • Motivation letter
  • Video self-presentation where you explain why this training is important for you
  • School’s engagement to introduce to regular school’s programme P4C-based lessons in April-May 2018 and September-December 2018.
Date and venue:
March 19-22, 10.00-17.00
Kyiv, Educational Station 31-v-1 (31-v-1 Pushkinska Str.)
Teachers are asked to send their applications at with «Application Philosophy To Grow.P4C» in subject line.

Deadline to apply – 14.02.18.

Trainer – Nadia Adamenko – PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Philosophy Department, Deputy Head of Scientific and Methodological Work in the Philosophical Education and Science of the M.P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University.

Invited expert – art critic Oksana Barshinova – art historian, head of the art department of the XXth – beginning of the XXI century of the National Art Museum of Ukraine. Curator of Exhibitions of Contemporary Art at the National Art Museum of Ukraine. Teacher of the Chair of Theory and Art History of the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture. The author of the publications in the professional and popular press on contemporary art in Ukraine.

The Project is delivered with the support of:
Harald Binder Cultural Enterprises (HBCE) is an organization founded by historian and philanthropist Harald Binder. HBCE supports art, education and culture initiatives, and aims to promote the sustainable development of these areas in Ukraine. The competition of the HBCE grant program is aimed at supporting projects of public initiatives in the amount of 500 to 5000 EUR that are implemented in Ukraine. HBCE is also working on creating an “Jam Factory Art Center” in Lviv, which in one location will combine different types of contemporary art and educational practices.
For more details: