


On the eve of the most important art event of the year – the First Kyiv International Biennale of Contemporary Art ARSENALE 2012 – Cultural Project and Mystetskyi Arsenal conducted the course β€œ11 Key Questions of Contemporary Art”.

One of strategic directions of Cultural Project is the formation of audience around powerful high-quality cultural products. And the first serious experience was the cooperation with the First Kyiv International Biennale of Contemporary Art ARSENALE 2012. Participants of the event were avant-garde, well-known, strong artists. The first cultural event of this scale naturally required the filling of a gap of knowledge and understanding of art that could have arisen between the audience of the biennale and the cultural product itself.

The course was delivered by the leading figures of the Ukrainian artistic sphere. 11 expert opinions revealed the most important aspects of contemporary artistic practice and conducted a virtual tour around the scenes of the artistic stage, telling about the origins and consequences of those global transformations that have taken place with art in the last hundred years.